…another new camera!

Wow, I just realised that it’s been 7 months since my last post! A few things have happened since then: an incredibly wet and rainy Christmas, when my poor mother broke her foot in Edinburgh, a second trip to Arizona, and then a new role for me, albeit still with the same company. 

Then in April on a trip to Oban with some good German friends, my DSLR was stolen from a restaurant. So for the last four weeks I’ve been deliberating what to do next, and yesterday I went to the local Jessops store and treated myself to a brand new Nikon D610. So now I will have to learn how to shoot exclusively on my 50mm prime for a while. We’ll see how that goes!


I also have a backlog of pictures I took in Arizona. I’ll try and get them onto the blog as soon as I can.


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